Posts in Agile Development
9 Tips for Better Sprint Execution

The goal of every sprint is to deliver something that is fully deployable, not a completed project, but rather some minimal viable product. How to achieve that goal consistently is the challenge every team faces. 

Is it possible for sprint execution to become routine? Yes, with some practice and these tips to help your team ace sprint execution.

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In Retro: 4 Quick Tips to Improve to Your Sprint Retrospective

A sprint retrospective meeting is held just after a sprint closes but before planning begins for the next sprint. To keep your project moving, plan one hour of retrospective for every two weeks of sprint time. The purpose of this meeting is to identify the parts of the sprint process that work, the parts of the process that don’t work and what changes to adopt to improve the process. Without care these meetings can quickly become ineffective and even harmful to your team’s productivity. 

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3 Types of Technical Debt and How to Manage Them

Technical debt is an everyday concept in software development. But, how your team addresses and manages each type of tech debt determines how it will affect the outcome of your software product. While some technical debt is intentional, other types are entirely avoidable. Is your development team taking the necessary steps to identify, monitor, and manage your technical debt?

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8 Tips For A Better Daily Scrum

The Daily Scrum is a principal, daily activity in agile software development. It's a brief 15-minute standup meeting for the scrum team to coordinate activities and create a work plan for the day ahead. If executed correctly, the Daily Scrum "optimizes team collaboration and performance by inspecting the work since the last Daily Scrum and forecasting upcoming Sprint work."

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5 Things To Consider When Developing a Sprint Backlog

In Agile Scrum Framework, the Sprint Backlog is an essential tool that organizes the Product Backlog items selected for that Sprint. It's your team’s plan for delivering the product Increment and realizing the Sprint Goal. The ideal Sprint Backlog is a highly visible, real-time snapshot of the work that the team plans to accomplish during that Sprint. When you are developing your Sprint Backlog, follow these best practices to ensure your backlog is driving your team towards your Sprint Goal.

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Why Are Organizations Still Struggling With Agile?

The Agile Manifesto was written 18 years ago, yet organizations are still struggling to successfully adopt the Agile methodology. The 12th Annual State of Agile Survey found that only 12% of respondent organizations reported that they have a high level of competency in using Agile.

Additionally, 78% of these organizations report they are still experimenting with Agile or that teams are still maturing. Even for an approach that appears widely leveraged by the software industry, these numbers expose several challenges in its implementation.

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